Thursday, June 15, 2006

Me too I guess

I've never quite grasped why people have their own blogs. I really just don't get it. I understand the whole, promote your own band thing or rant off your political views or nitpick at the latest celebrity scandal or latest fashion but I don't understand why people like me take the time to blog. I wish I had an answer so I would know why I'm doing this. This isn't an attempt to sound clever either- I'm not bright, or creative enough for anything like that and it's not like I have anything interesting to say either. Eight years ago I had some great ideas and some wonderful knowledge of the world all of which I was dieing to share with anyone who would listen. Now I'm married, have two kids and don't know anything outside of "no, don't do that" and video games, but I'll save the video games for a later post.
The second question I have is who is going to read this? I would find this self centered, self serving and quite boring if I was reading this. The writing has no style and nothing so far would catch my attention. It just goes on with now flavor, but I've already said that.
I have one good idea. I'm going to make every Thursday night a drink and blog night. I'm going to get shitfaced and post somethig that might actually be worth reading. I'm not going to bother spell checking or to proof read anyting becuase I'm lazy but it might still be a good read. I'm sure I'm not the first person to think of this but that doesn't mean I can't still do it. I encourage everyone who has an anonymous blog to drink and post at least once a week. Well, if you can answer my question please feel free.


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