Friday, June 16, 2006

Online businesses

I googled online business just to see what's out there. I settled on the amazon site and read their offer. This is how it works, you pay them $20 a month, they set you up with a site, the product, free shipping and your site is added to their catalog of sites and your site will show up on searches conducted by the major online search engines. Sounds pretty good, right? The second site I looked at was for online pharmacies. The company was Consumers Discount Rx.Com Inc. and their site even contained a link to the Colorado's Secretary of State site so you can see that they're an accreditted business. The deal is the same and they promise you 50% of your sales and a money back guarentee! Sounds too good to be true? Well, it is. Let me ask a question, if they are setting you up with a free website and the product why do they need you? Look at it from their point of view. They want to start an online business. They pay money for a server, high speed bandwidth, templates, products, etc. and can start selling to people themselves. Now, if instead of selling the product, they CHARGE people to sell it for them and pay them a small % of the sales they can make a lot more money. These companies are charging you to be a commisioned sales person, nothing more.


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