Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Actions and Consequences

It's funny how money seems to affect what people consider acceptable behavior. For instance, if you're rich and have children, you can still party it up. Normally I wouldn't comment on somthing like Britney partying it up with Paris and what not but I had to talk about Paris's comments. Here she tries to defend Britney's behavior, “For people to call out her parenting skills on behalf of her partying ethics is appalling. Britney loves her kids to death, and I know for a fact that it truly hurts her when she sees these cruel things being written about her. She goes home every night to her babies and partying has not come in the way of her parenting." Can your partying ethics possibley reflect on your parently skills? Absolutely. How many responsible parents do you think let it all hang out, literally, when their children are not around? Being a parent isn't just a part time job and just because you have a nanny to had your kids off to doesn't mean you stop being a parent. Once you become a parent you become a role model for your children. Rich or poor, once you have children your partying days are over. If and when you get to go out you're expected to keep your clothes on and have responsible fun.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Same Sex Marriages

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" It's obvious that the founding fathers did not have gay marriage in mind when they wrote the Declaration of Independence, and that they were referring to the ideals and concepts that form the basis of a social contract that each population has with it's government. However, can we in our day in age tell two intelligent, consenting adults that they cannot be married? Who are we to make their decisions for them? The limits of one's actions are within the boundries of what is ethically and legally allowed within a society. What collective morales can we hold that will keep two consenting adults from marrying? The two arguements I hear the most are either 1) It's against God's will, or 2) It will ruin the foundations of the family unit.

The first arguement, that it's against God's will has no basis for limiting or allowing behavior in our society. We are not living in the Dark Ages. We have an elected government to, and a legal system to determine what we can and cannot due and both are to act independent of each other and any religious influences as defined by the constitution. We are not soley a country of christians or puritans. There are many budists, hindus, atheists, etc. that live within our country and due not share the same religious beliefs as christians and puritans. They are protected by the constitution so that they do not have to live by religious laws. I find this arguement rather humorous since most of these people would also argue for a democratic nation in Iraq as opposed to a governement based on the Islam religion.

Gay marriages will ruin the family unit in Amercia- bullshit. There is no better answer for this arguement. There is no evidence that gay couples cannot raise healthy, well adjusted children. Nor will these families ruin "heterosexually maintained" households. What do these people expect to happen? "Mommy, the buttfucking brady bunch just moved in next door, I'm going to worship satan and kill someone." These people will argue that letting gay couples get married and raise children will corrupt the morals of our society. The morals that dictate what consentin adults can and cannot get married in a "free" country? If gay people are so dangerous to us why don't we just lock them up? Lets put them in "re-education camps" so as to protect overselves from their corrupt influences.

Our country was based on the beliefs that one person cannot dictate to another what he or she can or cannot do. The idea of singling out a portion of our society and settting laws in place to limit their personal freedom is revolting. I am disgusted by the bigotry and fear that is running rampant accross the nation.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Iraq is all about Oil

There are people who say that this war is about nothing more than oil. Then, there are those who say that's a bunch of conspiracy theory bullshit. The truth of the matter is while the war may not have been started for oil, tit has always been in the best interest of the United States to maintian a stable Iraq nation for the sole pupose of keeping a steady supply of oil. Iraq was formed after WWII by Winston Churchill. The man took the tedious task of drawing a square on a map- for the sole purpose of maintaining a stable, oil producing country. Suddam was on the CIA payroll when the CIA was headed by Bush Sr. - for the sole reason of maintaining an oil producing country. Some people will say we funded Suddam because we were worried about the Islam fundamentalist Iran nation next door. Why would we be afrain of Iran? Because they started playing hardball with their oil. Lets face it, the only reason why anyone gives a damn about the Middle East is because of their oil. If they had nothing but sand do you think we would be worried about what type of governments they had? Would we really care if they lived in a Democracy or a Fundalist Muslim nation? Our interests in the Middle East always come back to oil.

Bush completes is Idiotic Quest

After every person in the world, including republicans, realized that our efforts in Iraq were going nowhere, Bush continued to preach his "stay the course" bullshit. Now, after a bipartisan Iraq Study Group released a grim report on the situation, Bush has finally dropped his stay the course speech. We can all look forward to a coherent, and well thought out strategy to stop the violence in Iraq and continue to work towards a self ruling, peacefull, and democratic state. Unless of course Bush had this to say about the report, "There’s some very good ideas in there," Bush said about the report after meeting Wednesday afternoon with lawmakers. "Not all of us around the table agree with every idea, but we do agree that it shows that bipartisan consensus on important issues is possible." Uhhh, so basically it means, we now know we can't lie about the civil war that's going on and will do something other than repeat ourselves. The idiot just said we agree that it shows we can agree. If we're lucky, there will still be some way to salvage the situation by the time this moron leaves the presidency.