Thursday, December 07, 2006

Iraq is all about Oil

There are people who say that this war is about nothing more than oil. Then, there are those who say that's a bunch of conspiracy theory bullshit. The truth of the matter is while the war may not have been started for oil, tit has always been in the best interest of the United States to maintian a stable Iraq nation for the sole pupose of keeping a steady supply of oil. Iraq was formed after WWII by Winston Churchill. The man took the tedious task of drawing a square on a map- for the sole purpose of maintaining a stable, oil producing country. Suddam was on the CIA payroll when the CIA was headed by Bush Sr. - for the sole reason of maintaining an oil producing country. Some people will say we funded Suddam because we were worried about the Islam fundamentalist Iran nation next door. Why would we be afrain of Iran? Because they started playing hardball with their oil. Lets face it, the only reason why anyone gives a damn about the Middle East is because of their oil. If they had nothing but sand do you think we would be worried about what type of governments they had? Would we really care if they lived in a Democracy or a Fundalist Muslim nation? Our interests in the Middle East always come back to oil.


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