Saturday, June 24, 2006

Gay Marriage

I don't know why they even let gay people walk the streets. I say lets round all of them up into, what I'd call, "concentration camps". Now, the purpose of these camps would be to "re-educate" the gay popualtion so they could become heterosexual and lead normal lives.
I don't see the big deal on letting gay people marry. What right do I have to say whether or not two intelligent, concenting individuals have the right to marry? Where does my opinion fit in this equation of their basic human rights? If we give them SEPERATE BUT EQUAL marriage rights, what come next- making them sit in the back of the bus? I know that marriage is not defined as a Civil Right, but isn't the same argument that we've heard before? I thought that by now our country would be past bullshit like this but once again I'm dissappointed by the vast amount of bigotry in the general population and hiding your bigotry behind your religous values doesn't make it right. Lets see some more love and less hate people.


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