Sunday, June 18, 2006

Liberal Media

This is one of my favorite right wing progaganda spins- the media is liberally biased. They base this fact off of the voting records of reporters. Now, this theory that if reporters vote for liberal canidates than the media is biased is somewhat flawed. It assumes that reporters chose all of their stories and it completely omits the influences editors, publishers and owners have on the final media output. But what if these people are included in the poll of voting preferences for the media? Then you still have the influence of advertisers who account for 70% of the revenue for the various media mediums. If you believe that the people responsible for 70% of revenue has no affect on the media you're deluding yourself. If you also believe that people like GE would advertise in any liberal newspaper or during a liberal tv show you're also deluding yourself. The buying power of conservative advertisers and the interests of the conglomerates that own most of the USA's media outlets produce a conservatively bias media.


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