Thursday, June 22, 2006

Senate stomps on the poor

Here's a huge suprise, the Republican controlled senate squashed an attempt to raise the federal minimum wage. The vote came down to mostly party lines on a vote to increase the federal minimum wage from $5.15 to $5.85. Wow, imagine what that could do. I whole .70 cents more per hour. If you're working forty hours a week, that's almost twenty extra bucks in your pocket per week after taxes. It's nice to see someone looking out for the little guys, trying to get them an extra twenty bucks a week. I'm sure the arguement against it was it would lead more unemployment because businesses wouldn't be able to afford it. I was reading today that there's no evidence to suggest that raising the minimum wage leads to job loses based on increases in minimum wages on the state level. So, there's no evidence to support the idea that higher minimum wages will lead to unemployment, but yet the Republicans won't believe it. You know why? These are the same people that believe in the trickle down effect. They believe that if they give a millionaire a couple thousand extra dollars it will benefit me when they buy another boat, or another house. Who the fuck are they kidding and who's buying this bullshit? Why the hell would anyone intelligent person believe this crap? Maybe this is why they keep cutting funding to our public schools, so people will believe any bullshit that comes out of their mouths. Lets go back to the current minimum wage- $5.15 an hour. Who can live on this? I couldn't afford to live in my car by myself on this wage, but maybe I'm not trying hard enough or mabye someone in Missouri can.


At 7:32 PM, Blogger John said...

It all makes perfect sense. You control wages so people have to join the military to make a living, get benefits, and pay for an education . . . and then you ship them off to Iraq to fight the war you are championing and eventually screw them over with their veteran's benefits if they don't just get killed. All that and you get to optimize contracts for your corporate buddies and control some oil fields.

Some days, it's great to be a Republican!

At 7:33 PM, Blogger Just a blogger said...

You don't know what you're talking about- we went to war to stop them from using their WMD and now we have to stay to fight the terrorists that weren't there before but are there now becuase we're there. This has nothing to do with money or oil. That's ridiculous.


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